DACL Overview

Within the Windows security ecosystem, tokens identify the security context of a process or a thread and security descriptors contain the security information associated with an object. To achieve Confidentiality, many operating systems and directory services utilize access control lists (ACLs): a mechanism that implements access control for a system resource by enumerating the system entities that are permitted to access the resource and stating, either implicitly or explicitly, the access modes granted to each entity.

Access control policies dictate what types of access are permitted, under what circumstances, and by whom. The four general categories of access control policies are:

  • DAC - Discretionary access control: controls access based on the requestor's identity and access rules stating what requestors are allowed to do. It is discretionary because an entity might have access rights that permit it, by its own volition, to enable another entity to access some resource

  • MAC - Mandatory access control: the entity having access to a resource may not, just by its own volition, enable another entity to access that resource

  • RBAC - Role-based access control

  • ABAC - Attribute-based access control

Windows is an example of a DAC operating system, which utilizes Discretionary access control lists or DACLs. witch are part of the bigger picture of security descriptors.

Security Descriptors

In Windows, every object (also known as securable objects) has a security descriptor data structure that specifies who can perform what actions on the object.

typedef struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR {
  BYTE                        Revision;
  BYTE                        Sbz1;
  PSID                        Owner;
  PSID                        Group;
  PACL                        Sacl;
  PACL                        Dacl;

Only four of the seven members of the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR struct matter to us for the exploitation of DACLs.

The security descriptor is a binary data structure that can contain six main fields:

  • Revision Number: the SRM (Security Reference Monitor) version of the security model used to create the descriptor

  • Control Flags: optional modifiers that define the behavior/characteristics of the security descriptor

  • Owner SID: the object's owner SID

  • Group SID: the object's primary group SID - only the Windows POSIX subsystem utilized this member (before being discontinued), and most AD environments now ignore it

  • Discretionary access control list: specifies who has what access to the object - throughout the DACL Attacks mini-modules, our primary focus will be abusing and attacking these

  • System access control list or SACL: specifies which operations by which users should be logged in the security audit log and the explicit integrity level of an object

We are interested in the Control, Owner, Sacl and Dacl fields.

A security descriptor can be one of two forms:

  • absolute security descriptors: contain pointers to the information, as in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR struct above, and these are the ones that we will encounter when interacting with Windows objects, whether AD ones or not

Self-relative security descriptors are not very different: instead of storing pointers, they store the actual data of a security descriptor in a contiguous memory block -these are meant to store a security descriptor on a disk or transmit it over the wire

Control Field

The Control member is of type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, a 16-bit set of bit flags that qualify the meaning of a security descriptor or its components. The value of Control, when retrieved with the function GetSecurityDescriptorControl, can include a combination of 13 bits flags:

These binary flags can be added to represent any combinations - for example, if the value of Control is 0x8014, it signifies the presence of the SE_DACL_PRESENT, SE_SACL_PRESENT, and SE_SELF_RELATIVE flags.

Owner Field

The Owner and Group members contain a pointer to the Security Identifier of the object's owner and primary group, respectively. Object owners are always granted full control of the security descriptor, as they are granted the access rights RIGHT_WRITE_DAC (WriteDacl) and RIGHT_READ_CONTROL (ReadControl) implicitly.

SACL and DACL Fields

In Windows, SACL (System access control list) and DACL (Discretionary access control lists) are the two types of access control lists (ACLs), each consisting of a header and zero or more access control entries (ACEs). (Throughout security literature, when the term ACL is used, it usually refers to DACL, especially for Windows systems.)

A SACL contains ACEs that dictate the types of access attempts that generate audit records in the security event log of a domain controller; therefore, a SACL allows administrators to log access attempts to securable objects. There are two types of ACEs within a SACL, system audit ACEs and system audit-object ACEs.

While a DACL holds ACEs that dictate what principals have control rights over a specific object. Internally within Windows, a DACL consists of an ACL followed by an ordered list of zero or more ACEs (the same applies to SACLs). Below is the struct definition of an ACL (recognizing these struct definitions will help us later on when viewing a security descriptor from the kernel's point of view):

typedef struct _ACL {
  BYTE AclRevision;
  BYTE Sbz1;
  WORD AclSize;
  WORD AceCount;
  WORD Sbz2;
} ACL;

Generic and Object-specific ACEs

An ACE contains a set of user rights and a SID that identifies a principal for whom the rights are allowed, denied, or audited

typedef struct _ACE_HEADER {
  BYTE AceType;
  BYTE AceFlags;
  WORD AceSize;

In a DACL, there can be nine types of ACEs, each having the struct ACE_HEADER as a member, in addition to the Mask member (which is of type ACCESS_MASK and defines the standard, specific, and generic rights) and SidStart (which holds the first 32 bits of the trustee's SID):

but the most important are the following

Some ACEs include the keyword Object, these are object-specific ACEs used only within Active Directory. In addition to the members of generic ACEs structure, object-specific ACEs contain the members:

  • ObjectType: A GUID containing a type of child object, a property set or property, an extended right, or a validated write

  • InheritedObjectType: Specifies the type of child object that can inherit the ACE

  • Flags: Indicates whether the members ObjectType and InheritedObjectType are present via a set of bit flags

Interpret Access Masks

We mentioned that all ACE data structures (such as ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) contain the Mask member, which is of type ACCESS_MASK: a 32-bit value that specifies the allowed or denied rights to manipulate an object

How do we interpret access masks and their bits?

  • Generic access rights bits

  • Standard Access Rights Bits

  • Object-specific Access Rights Bits

  • Extended (Object-specific) Access Rights

  • Validated Writes

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