Get AMSI module

This code

  1. obtains the name and CLSID for AMSI via the registry

  2. obtains the name and CLSID for evert registered AMSI provider

  3. obtains the path and signer information for each DLL

  4. identifies if AMSI is loaded and/or initialized in the current process

function Get-AmsiModule {

Retrieves information about AMSI and each registered AMSI provider.


Get-AmsiModule retrieves information about AMSI and registered AMSI providers. This is useful for defenders auditing the consistency of AMSI utilization across an environment.

Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause





Outputs objects representing information about AMSI itself as well as each registered AMSI provider.


Get-AmsiModule only returns AMSI registrations that correspond to the architecture of the current PowerShell process. To return WOW64 registrations, run 32-bit PowerShell, if desired.

    try {
        # requires PSv3+ due to use of Get-ItemPropertyValue
        Set-StrictMode -Version 3
    } catch {
		# throw a .NET exception instead of a PowerShell one
        throw $_

    $AmsiUtilsType = [PSObject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.AmsiUtils')

    if ($AmsiUtilsType) {
        $IsInitialized = $AmsiUtilsType.GetField('AmsiInitialized').GetValue($null) > $null

        if (-not $IsInitialized) {
            Write-Verbose "AMSI is not initialized in the current process. Process ID: $PID"
    } else {
        Write-Verbose 'The System.Management.Automation.AmsiUtils class is not present.'

    # get information for the base AMSI implementation
    $AMSIGuid = '{fdb00e52-a214-4aa1-8fba-4357bb0072ec}'

    $AMSIName = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $AMSIHKCRPath -Name '(default)'
    $AMSIPath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "$AMSIHKCRPath\InprocServer32\" -Name '(default)'

    $AMSIFileInfo = Get-Item -Path $AMSIPath.Trim('"')
    $AMSISignature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $AMSIFileInfo.FullName

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        PSTypeName = 'AMSI.ModuleInfo'
        CLSID = [Guid] $AMSIGuid
        Name = $AMSIName
        Module = $AMSIFileInfo
        Signature = $AMSISignature

    # enumerate every registered AMSI provider
    Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\AMSI\Providers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
        $ProviderGuid = $_.PSChildName
        $HKCRPath = "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\$ProviderGuid"
        $ProviderName = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $HKCRPath -Name '(default)'
        $ProviderPath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "$HKCRPath\InprocServer32\" -Name '(default)'
        $AMSIProviderModule = Get-Item -Path $ProviderPath.Trim('"')
        $ProviderSignature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $AMSIProviderModule.FullName

        [PSCustomObject] @{
            PSTypeName = 'AMSI.ModuleInfo'
            CLSID = [Guid] $ProviderGuid
            Name = $ProviderName
            Module = $AMSIProviderModule
            Signature = $ProviderSignature


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