
PowerShell isn’t just the interactive powershell.exe and powershell_ise.exe binaries, Powershell itself is actually System.Management.Automation.dll which is a dependency of various hosts.

The following is a table that represents the different versions of Powershell supported over time

Release Date
OS Support

PowerShell V1


Windows Server 2008

PowerShell V2


Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2

PowerShell V3 / WMF3


Windows 8, Windows Server 2012

PowerShell V4


Windows 8.1

PowerShell V5


Windows 10, Windows Server 2016

PowerShell Core


Nano Server, Windows 10 IoT

PowerShell V6 (Core)


Windows, macOS, *UNIX

To determine what PowerShell versions we have installed on a system we use

(Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\*\PowerShellEngine -Name PowerShellVersion).PowerShellVersion

Execution policy is NOT a security protection as it can be disabled with something as simple as

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process


powershell.exe -exec bypass

PowerShell files can come in different formats:

  • .ps1: a single PowerShell script, completely self-contained and can be loaded into memory in one go

  • .psm1: a PowerShell module file, this allows to do things like exporting only specific functions / variables and it's often used to give a better structure to more complex PowerShell code

  • .psd1: a PowerShell module manifest that specifies information about the module itself and what variables / functions are exported

  • .ps1xml: a object formatting file for a PowerShell module that allows for granular control of how custom objects are displayed

PowerShell Profile Locations




AllUsersAllHosts (WoW64)




AllUsersCurrentHost (ISE)


AllUsersCurrentHost (WoW64)


AllUsersCurrentHost (ISE - Wow64)



%homedrive%\%homepath%\[My ]Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1


%homedrive%\%homepath%\[My ]Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

CurrentUserCurrentHost (ISE)

%homedrive%\%homepath%\[My ]Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1

Exporting/Importing PowerShell Objects

To import / export PowerShell objects we use the Import-Clixml and Export-Clixml functions

Get-Process | Export-Clixml processes.xml
$processes = Import-Clixml .\processes.xml

Variables & Operators

Variables are defined with $ followed by any combination of numbers and (case-insensitive) letters but we can also use New-Variable to specify non-printable characters as well.

New-Variable -Name ([Char] 7) -Value 'something'

To list all variables in the current scope we can use Get-ChildItem Variable:\ and to cast a variable to another data type we use [Type]$variableName.

The following are common operators used with variables and their attributes

  • Math: +, -, *, /, %

  • Assignment: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

  • Comparison: -eq, -ne, -gt, -lt, -le, -ge, regex operations

  • Logical: -and, -or, -xor, -not or !

  • Redirection: >, >>, 2>, 2>>, 2>&1

  • Type: -is, -isnot, -as

It's possible to get more information about operators with Get-Help about_Operators.

Arrays & Hash Tables

There are many ways to create arrays

Creation method

Implicit creation

$array = 4,6,1,60,23,53

Explicit creation

$array = @(4,6,”s”,60,”yes”,5.3)

Ranged creation

$array = 1..100

Strongly typed

[int32[]]$array = 1500,1600,1700,1800

and there are several operations we can perform on an array object

  • count the number of elements: $array.Count

  • indexing: $array[0]

  • reversing an array: $array[-1..-$array.Lenght]

  • append a value to an array: $array += $value

Since arrays are immutable we have to perform extra steps to append or remove elements from one

$arrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# or

HashTables in PowerShell are the equivalent of dictionaries

$hashtable = @{ Number = 1; Color = "Purple"}
$hashtable["Number"] # prints 1

Common operations we can perform on hash tables are

  • return the keys of the hash table: $hashtable.keys

  • return the values of the hash table: $hashtable.values

  • add a key or value

$hashtable.Add("Key", "Value")
# or
$hashtable = $hashtable + @{Key="Value}
  • remove a key: $hashtable.Remove("Key")

Hash tables can also be used as parameters for function calls

$Args = @{ Path = "source.txt"; Destination = "destination.txt"; WhatIf = $true }
Copy-Item @Args


Double-quoted strings - both single and multi-line - expand sub-expressions and variables while single-quoted strings don't.

  • Case-insensitive comparison (returns 0 if strings are the same): $a.CompareTo($b)

  • Case-sensitive comparison: [string]::Compare($a, $b, $True)

  • Case-sensitive prefix / suffix: $a.StartsWith("prefix"), $a.EndsWith("suffix")

  • Turn string lowercase / uppercase: $a.ToLower(), $a.ToUpper()

  • Check for substring (case-sensitive): $a.Contains("substring")

  • Replace a string or substring: $a.Replace("old string", "new string")

  • Substring: $a.SubString(index) returns a[index..$a.Length-1] or $a.SubString(start, end) returns $a[start..end]

  • Split a string: $a.Split("separator") returns an array of the string split by the separator

  • Pad a string: $a.PadLeft(1), $a.PadRight(1) pads the string to the specified length

  • Convert string to a byte array: $a.ToByteArray()

Regular Expressions

Strings can also be used to match regular expressions with operators like -match, -notmatch (case-insensitive) or -cmatch, -cnotmatch (case-sensitive).

The -match operator will populate the $Matches variable with all the matches if used on a single-line variable.

To match and replace part of a string we use -replace and -creplace

"date: 11/11/2011" -replace "\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}", (get-date -f "DD/MM/YYYY")

Logic & Loops

If / else / if-else statements

if ($var -lt 0) {
	# something
elseif ($var -lt 10) {
	# something
else {
	# something

Switch statements

$output = switch -wildcard ($var) {
	"var a" { "first output" }
	"var b" { "second output" }
	default { "default output" }

Try / catch / finally statements

try {
	$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
catch [System.Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException] {
	"Unable to download file"
catch {
	"Could not resolve error"

For-each statements

ForEach($number in $numbers) {
	# do something

For-each-object statement

Get-Process | % {$_.Name}

While / do-while statement

while ($var -ne 100) {
	# do something


When piping output from other commands it's possible to filter it

  • Find an object with specific properties:

Get-DomainUser | ? {$_.lastlogon -gt [DateTime]::TOday.AddDays(-1)}
  • Execute a scriptblock on each object:

Get-DomainUser -Domain domain.com | %{ if ($_.scriptpath) { $_.scriptpath.split("\\")[2] } }
  • Find property comparisons

$_ -eq number
$_ -Like *string*
$_ -match 'regex'

We can also sort objects by a set property with Sort-Object property, group objects with GroupObject property or select only some objects with

Select-Object -Property firstProperty,secondProperty
select -expand property
select -First 1
select -Last 1

Last updated