Enumerate WMI events

This snippet enumerates both intrinsic and extrinsic WMI events.

function Get-WmiNamespace {

Returns a list of WMI namespaces present within the specified namespace.

.PARAMETER Namespace

Specifies the WMI repository namespace in which to list sub-namespaces. Get-WmiNamespace defaults to the ROOT namespace.


Specifies that namespaces should be recursed upon starting from the specified root namespace.




Get-WmiNamespace -Recurce


Get-WmiNamespace -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2


Get-WmiNamespace -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2 -Recurse



Get-WmiNamespace returns fully-qualified namespace names.

    Param (
        $Namespace = 'ROOT',


    $BoundParamsCopy = $PSBoundParameters
    $null = $BoundParamsCopy.Remove('Namespace')

    # exclude locale specific namespaces
    Get-WmiObject -Class __NAMESPACE -Namespace $Namespace -Filter 'NOT Name LIKE "ms_4%"' | ForEach-Object {
        $FullyQualifiedNamespace = '{0}\{1}' -f $_.__NAMESPACE, $_.Name

        if ($Recurse) {
            Get-WmiNamespace -Namespace $FullyQualifiedNamespace @BoundParamsCopy

filter Get-WmiExtrinsicEvent {

Returns all WMI extrinsic event types for the specified namespace.

.PARAMETER Namespace

Specifies the WMI repository namespace in which to list extrinsic event types.




Get-WmiNamespace -Recurce | Get-WmiExtrinsicEvent



Get-WmiExtrinsicEvent accepts fully-qualified namespace names returned from Get-WmiNamespace.



Get-WmiExtrinsicEvent returns extrinsic WMI class objects.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        $Namespace = 'ROOT\CIMV2'

    # exclude generic, system generated extrinsic events
    $ExclusionList = @(

    Get-WmiObject -Class Meta_Class -Namespace $Namespace |
        Where-Object { $_.Name -eq '__TimerEvent' -or ($_.Derivation.Contains('__ExtrinsicEvent') -and (-not ($ExclusionList -contains $_.Name))) }

filter Get-WmiIntrinsicEvent {

Returns all WMI intrinsic event types for the specified namespace.

.PARAMETER Namespace

Specifies the WMI repository namespace in which to list intrinsic event types.




Get-WmiNamespace -Recurce | Get-WmiIntrinsicEvent



Get-WmiIntrinsicEvent accepts fully-qualified namespace names returned from Get-WmiNamespace.



Get-WmiIntrinsicEvent returns intrinsic WMI class objects.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        $Namespace = 'ROOT\CIMV2'

    $ExclusionList = @(

    Get-WmiObject -Class Meta_Class -Namespace $Namespace |
        Where-Object { $_.Derivation.Contains('__Event') -and (-not $_.Derivation.Contains('__ExtrinsicEvent') -and (-not ($ExclusionList -contains $_.Name))) }

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